REEF uses a hierarchical 8-digit code system for survey site locations. Each geographic area has its own set of codes. When completing a survey, you need to know the complete 8-digit code for the site you surveyed.

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Region: NE
Zone: Massachusetts

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ZoneZone Code listGeographic ReportNameHave Coordinates?
910101Zone Code listGeographic ReportHorseneck Beach - Ft. Phoenix SP
910102Zone Code listGeographic ReportBuzzards Bay (n. of Ft. Phoenix - Woods Hole)
91010201Geographic ReportChappaquoit BeachYes
91010202Geographic ReportNew Bedford's West Beach (Clark Cove)Yes
91010203Geographic ReportSippewisset RockYes
91010204Geographic ReportPocasset River Yes
910103Zone Code listGeographic ReportMartha's Vineyard and Elizabeth Islands
91010301Geographic ReportFerry Pier at Oak Bluffs (Martha's Vineyard)Yes
91010302Geographic ReportPort Hunter Wreck (Hedge Fence Shoals)Yes
91010303Geographic ReportCuttyhunk Beach (NW of pond)Yes
910104Zone Code listGeographic ReportNantucket Sound (Woods Hole - Quitnesset)
91010401Geographic ReportNobska LightYes
91010402Geographic ReportGarbage Beach (Woods Hole)Yes
91010403Geographic ReportWreck of LackawannaYes
91010404Geographic ReportLittle Nobska Beach (Just south of Nobska Light)No
91010405Geographic ReportMBL BeachNo
910105Zone Code listGeographic ReportCape Code Nat'l Seashore (Quitnesset - Race Pt. Li
91010501Geographic ReportStellwagen Bank NMSNo
91010502Geographic ReportSBNMS PierNo
91010503Geographic ReportRace Point Lighthouse, Cape CodYes
91010504Geographic ReportPatriot Wreck (Stellwagen)Yes
910106Zone Code listGeographic ReportCape Cod Bay (Race Pt. Light - Plymouth Bay)
91010601Geographic ReportSandwich Town BeachYes
91010602Geographic ReportTown Neck (Sandwich)Yes
91010603Geographic ReportCorporation Beach (Dennis)Yes
91010604Geographic ReportWreck of Edward Briary (south of Monomoy Island)Yes
91010605Geographic ReportArea of wrecks- Perkioman, Aransas, West VirginiaYes
91010606Geographic ReportWreck of Pendelton (~W side of Monomoy)Yes
91010607Geographic ReportPilgrim Nuclear Power Plant (Beach between intakeNo
910107Zone Code listGeographic Reportn. of Plymouth Bay - Minot
91010701Geographic ReportWreck of the PrinthisYes
91010702Geographic ReportBrant RockYes
91010703Geographic ReportMars WreckYes
91010704Geographic ReportCarson BeachNo
91010705Geographic ReportB-1 Buoy (Scituate)Yes
91010706Geographic Report#2 Bony (Scituate)No
91010707Geographic ReportLong Beach (Plymouth)Yes
910108Zone Code listGeographic ReportMassachusetts Bay (n. of Minot - Magnolia)
91010801Geographic ReportMagnolia Rocks (Magnolia)No
91010802Geographic ReportRomance WreckYes
91010803Geographic ReportHalfway Rock (Gloucester, Cape Ann)Yes
91010804Geographic ReportGreat Egg Rock (near Gloucester)Yes
91010805Geographic ReportWollaston Beach (Quincy Bay)No
91010806Geographic ReportNewcomb LedgeYes
91010807Geographic ReportHouse IslandYes
91010808Geographic ReportSatan RockYes
91010809Geographic ReportKettle IslandYes
91010810Geographic ReportNever Fail LedgeYes
91010811Geographic ReportBoohoo LedgeYes
91010812Geographic ReportOuter Brewster IslandYes
91010813Geographic ReportSaddle RockYes
91010814Geographic ReportSalt RockYes
91010815Geographic ReportPopplestone BeachYes
91010816Geographic ReportThatcher Island (Manchester)No
91010817Geographic ReportCat / Children's Island (Marblehead)No
91010818Geographic ReportEgg Rock (near Nahant)Yes
91010819Geographic ReportGraves Light / Graves LighthouseYes
91010820Geographic ReportForty Steps - 40 Steps, NahantYes
91010821Geographic ReportSargent Road (Marblehead)Yes
91010822Geographic ReportMiddle BreakersYes
91010823Geographic ReportWhite Beach, near ManchesterYes
91010824Geographic ReportJuniper Pt. Beach, SalemYes
91010825Geographic ReportShag Rocks, NahantYes
91010826Geographic ReportPumphouse Beach, NahantYes
91010827Geographic ReportDive Beach, NahantYes
91010828Geographic ReportWreck of the KiowaYes
91010829Geographic ReportChandler Hovey Lighthouse, MarbleheadYes
91010830Geographic ReportPhillips Beach, SwampscottYes
91010831Geographic ReportFort Sewell, MarbleheadYes
91010832Geographic ReportMarblehead RockYes
91010833Geographic ReportGun Rock BeachYes
91010834Geographic ReportEast Point (Nahant)Yes
91010835Geographic ReportBig Fantastic WallYes
91010836Geographic ReportCormorant RockYes
91010837Geographic ReportPalmer Cove Yacht ClubYes
91010838Geographic ReportCalf IslandYes
91010839Geographic ReportCity of Salisbury WreckYes
91010840Geographic ReportMingo Beach (Beverly)Yes
91010841Geographic ReportSouth Beach (Great Misery Island)Yes
91010842Geographic ReportWild Cove (Great Misery Island)Yes
91010843Geographic ReportCanoe Beach / Chimneys (Nahant)Yes
91010844Geographic ReportWinthrop Beach (between Neptune and Mermaid Ave)Yes
910109Zone Code listGeographic Reportn. of Magnolia - Salisbury
91010901Geographic ReportFolly Cove - Left Wall (Cape Ann)Yes
91010902Geographic ReportFolly Cove - Right Wall (Cape Ann)Yes
91010903Geographic ReportChester Poling WreckYes
91010904Geographic ReportCathedral Rocks (Rockport)Yes
91010905Geographic ReportOld Garden Beach (Rockport)Yes
91010906Geographic ReportPickets Ledge (Gloucester)No
91010907Geographic ReportWhale Cove (Rockport)No
91010908Geographic ReportLoblolly Cove (Rockport)Yes
91010909Geographic ReportBack Beach (Rockport)Yes
91010910Geographic ReportGreat Paddock Rock (Gloucester)Yes
91010911Geographic ReportSeaside Cemetery (Rockport)Yes
91010912Geographic ReportPebble Beach (Rockport)Yes
91010913Geographic ReportFolly Point (boat dive off Rockport)No
91010914Geographic ReportBreakwater (Rockport)Yes
91010915Geographic ReportSaturday Night Ledge / SNLYes
91010916Geographic ReportSalt IslandYes
91010917Geographic ReportBass RocksYes
91010918Geographic ReportDry Salvages (off Gloucester)Yes
91010919Geographic ReportOld Coast Guard Station (Gloucester)Yes
91010920Geographic ReportLanesville ShoreNo
91010921Geographic ReportDolliver NeckNo
91010922Geographic ReportHodgkin's CoveNo
91010923Geographic ReportHoop Pole CoveYes
91010924Geographic ReportBrace CoveYes
91010925Geographic ReportNina T WreckYes
91010926Geographic ReportEmerson Point (Rockport)No
91010927Geographic ReportStraitsmouth GapYes
91010928Geographic ReportCharles Haight WreckYes
91010929Geographic ReportWreck of the ChelseaYes
91010930Geographic ReportCressy's Beach (Stage Fort Park - Gloucester)Yes
91010931Geographic ReportStage Fort Park (Gloucester)Yes
91010932Geographic ReportBrace RockYes
91010933Geographic ReportSandy Bay (Rockport)Yes
91010934Geographic ReportTenpound IslandYes
91010935Geographic ReportDog Bar BreakwaterYes
91010936Geographic ReportBurnham Ledge / Burnham RockYes
91010937Geographic ReportLane's Cove (Rockport, Glouster)Yes
91010938Geographic ReportPlum Island (Newburyport)No
91010939Geographic ReportHalibut Shores / Halibut Point State Park (Rockport)Yes
91010940Geographic ReportPlum Cove (Cape Ann)No
91010941Geographic ReportFreshwater CoveYes
91010942Geographic ReportCastle Island - Pleasure Bay (Boston Harbor)Yes
91010943Geographic ReportPlease use 91010843 (was Canoe Beach)No
91010944Geographic ReportTautog Rock - DennisNo
91010945Geographic ReportTarget Ship CCB OrleansNo
91010946Geographic ReportNiles Beach (general area)Yes
91010948Geographic ReportStellwagen Bank SW cornerNo
91010949Geographic ReportFront Beach (Rockport)Yes
91010950Geographic ReportCrane Wreck (Gloucester)Yes
91010951Geographic ReportMoorland Road ( Gloucester )Yes
91010952Geographic ReportGrapevine RoadYes
91010953Geographic ReportLoblolly PointYes
91010954Geographic ReportNiles Beach (north end rocks)Yes
91010955Geographic ReportCape Hedge BeachNo
91010956Geographic ReportNorman's WoeYes
91010957Geographic ReportGap Head Pinnacle / Green Can / #6 CanNo
91010958Geographic ReportHalf Moon Beach (Stage Fort Park) GloucesterYes
91010959Geographic ReportLanes Cove (NE, outside breakwater)Yes
91010999Geographic ReportGiant Ocean Tank (GOT at NEAQ) Training onlyNo
91011000Geographic ReportBoston HarborNo
91011001Geographic ReportReef Site 29 (central of 6 Reefs Boston Harbor)No