Looking to be a citizen scientist? Ready to jump in and get started doing REEF surveys? Want to learn how to identify more of the ocean life you’re likely to see when you do survey’s in different areas? You’ve come to the right place! This toolbox includes an overview of how the Volunteer Fish Survey Project (VFSP) works, what gear will help you get started, and, most importantly, resources to learn more about the amazing creatures you’ll see as you conduct surveys in different areas.
What is the VFSP?

- Divers and snorkelers participate in this global citizen science marine life monitoring effort, continuously and any location within REEF's project regions.
- Data were first collected in the TWA region in 1993, and the effort has expanded globally to ten regions around the world.
- There is no required certification or training to participate in the VFSP.
- The survey method (the Roving Diver Technique) is the same in all regions.
- All marine fish species seen while in the water that can be positively identified are monitored, along with a set of invertebrates and algae in REEF's 4 temperate regions (PAC - incl PNW and CAL sub-regions, NE, SAS, and EAM). Sea Turtles are also reported in all REEF regions.
- In addition to a checklist of species encountered while in the water, an abundance category (Single, Few, Many, Abundant) is assigned to each species, and metadata for the survey (location, habitat, date, etc) is recorded.
- Each VFSP surveyor is assigned a unique member ID number upon joining REEF (free), and that member# is used to submit VFSP data to the REEF database.
- REEF has developed standardized survey materials, including survey slates, underwater survey paper, and laminated color ID cards for most regions.
- Visit the quick start webpage to view a brief how-to video and access other resources.
How to learn your fish and other ocean critters?
- Everyone has a different approach. Learning with a dive or snorkel buddy, or by going on a REEF Field Survey Trip, is a great way to quickly get over the learning curve.
- Attend an upcoming Fishinar (REEF's own brand of ID webinars), or check out the over 200 archived recorded Fishinars. There's one for every region, and many that covers specific fish families, destinations, and most common in an area.
- Get ID reference books and apps for the region (see regional toolkits below).
- Don't forget to report Sea Turtles. Check out this Sea Turtle reference guide.
- Use REEF's database by generated in a Geographic Zone Code Report for your area to view a list of all fish documented.
- Check out online quizzes, galleries, and Quizlets on REEF's website.
- Dive with a Conservation Partner dive shop! Many of our Conservation Partners are dive shops that will teach fish or invertebrate ID classes and take you on survey dives or snorkel trips.
Recommended Gear for VFSP Volunteers and REEF Trip Participants
- REEF Survey Slate and Underwater Survey Paper for the region (see toolkit links below, or the online REEF Store)
- AquaPencil (or other attached pencil) and lanyard attached to survey slate
- Small light for looking in crevices, sponges, and other dark habitats (many REEF surveyors use Light & Motion SOLA or GoBe light on a hand mount)
- Small point and shoot waterproof camera for mystery fish and interesting finds (many REEF surveyors use the Olympus TG-6 with Olympus PT-059 Housing)
Visit www.backscatter.com/reeforg to purchase camera and lights through Backscatter. REEF gets a portion of every sale.
ID Reference Scientific Papers
This page includes links to scientific publications that are useful for taxonomic updates to species, as well as links to online image libraries and references. These references cover many of REEF's survey regions and are useful to dive deeper in to identification.
Online Galleries
In addition to REEF's training materials, there are many wonderful online galleries of fishes and invertebrates that can be helpful in learning and reviewing.
Paddy Ryan’s Photos – www.ryanphotographic.com/chordates.htm#fishes
François Libert’s Flickr (zsispeo) – www.flickr.com/photos/zsispeo/
Florent Charpin's Guide to Tropical Reefs - reefguide.org/home.html
Fishes of Australia – fishesofaustralia.net.au
iNaturalist – inaturalist.com
Keoki Stender's Flora and Fauna ID Site: marinelifephotography.com
Regional Toolkits
Scroll below to see them all, or click on the region name to jump directly
For each of REEF's regions, there are a variety of field guide books, apps, and REEF survey materials available to support REEF volunteers.
click to enlarge map
Tropical Western Atlantic (TWA; Florida, Caribbean, Bahamas, and Gulf of Mexico)
South Atlantic States (SAS; Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina)
Northeast US & Canada (NE; Virginia through Newfoundland)
Eastern Atlantic & Mediterranean (EAM; Azores, Madeira, Canary Islands, Cape Verde Islands, Mediterranean, Irish, North and Baltic Seas)
West Coast of the United States and Canada (PAC; California-CAL, Oregon, Washington, British Columbia and Alaska-PNW)
Tropical Eastern Pacific (TEP; Gulf of California to the Galapagos Islands, West coast of Central America, Colombia and Ecuador)
Hawaiian Islands (HAW; main archipelago, northwest islands, Johnston Atoll)
South Pacific (SOP; Fiji, Samoan Archipelago, Line Islands, Cook Islands)
Central Indo-Pacific (CIP; Indonesia, Solomon Islands, Australia, Philippines, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Southern Japan)
Indian Ocean-Red Sea (IORS; Bay of Bengal, Maldives, Red Sea, East Coast of Africa, Madagascar and Indian Ocean Islands)
Tropical Western Atlantic Toolkit
(TWA; Florida, Caribbean, Bahamas, and Gulf of Mexico)
Click here for a map of the TWA region and areas within it

ID Guides - Books
Reef Fish Identification - Florida, Caribbean and Bahamas, 4th edition (2014), by Paul Humann and Ned DeLoach - in the REEF Store
Caribbean Reef Life: A Field Guide for Divers (2018), by Mickey Charteris - in the REEF Store
A Field Guide to Coastal Fishes: From Maine to Texas (2011), by Val Kells and Kent Carpenter - in the REEF Store
A Field Guide to Coastal Fishes: Of Bermuda, Bahamas and the Caribbean Sea (2022), by Val Kells, Luiz Rocha and Carole Baldwin - in the REEF Store
Reef Fish Behavior - Florida Caribbean Bahamas, 2nd ed. (2019), by Ned and Anna DeLoach - in the REEF Store
ID Guides - Fishinars, Apps, Websites
REEF TWA Fishinars - avail online
Shorefishes of the Greater Caribbean, from Smithsonian Tropical Research Institution - avail online, avail on Apple Store, avail on Android
Easy Fish ID Caribbean App, by John Hoover - avail on Apple Store
REEF UW Survey Paper
Regular TWA Paper - lists the most frequently sighted species (133 spp) and plenty of space for write-ins and sketches.
Long TWA Paper - a longer list of species (205 spp) with minimal extra space, suitable for experienced surveyors who are hoping to minimize the number of write-ins.
All papers available in the REEF Store
What Survey Slate is Used - Regular Yellow Slate
Species Reference List - Common names used in REEF database, cross-referenced by scientific name, TWA Names Report
Invertebrate and Algae Monitoring List - N/A Fish Only
Upcoming TWA REEF Field Survey Trips - Schedule Here

Bluehead Wrasse - most frequently sighted fish in the TWA (photo by Paul Humann)
South Atlantic States
(SAS; Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina)
Click here for a map of the SAS region and areas within it

ID Guides - Books
Reef Fish Identification - Florida, Caribbean and Bahamas, 4th edition (2014), by Paul Humann and Ned DeLoach - in the REEF Store
Caribbean Reef Life: A Field Guide for Divers (2018), by Mickey Charteris - in the REEF Store
A Field Guide to Coastal Fishes: From Maine to Texas (2011), by Val Kells and Kent Carpenter - in the REEF Store
Reef Fish Behavior - Florida Caribbean Bahamas, 2nd ed. (2019), by Ned and Anna DeLoach - in the REEF Store
ID Guides - Fishinars, Apps, Websites
REEF SAS Fishinars - avail online
Shorefishes of the Greater Caribbean, from Smithsonian Tropical Research Institution - avail online, avail on Apple Store, avail on Android
Easy Fish ID Caribbean App, by John Hoover - avail on Apple Store
REEF UW Survey Paper
Regular SAS Paper - includes the most common fish in the region, and the invertebrates & algae monitored in SAS
Paper is available in the REEF Store
What Survey Slate is Used - Regular Yellow Slate
Species Reference List - Common names used in REEF database, cross-referenced by scientific name, SAS Names Report
Invertebrate and Algae Monitoring List - List of species monitored in SAS

Black Sea Bass - most frequently sighted fish in the SAS (photo by Paul Humann)
Northeast US & Canada
(NE; Virginia through Newfoundland)
Click here for a map of the NE region and areas within it

ID Guides - Books
Marine Life of the North Atlantic: Canada to Cape May, 4th ed. (2010), by Andrew Martinez - **no longer in print** (see App section below)
A Field Guide to Coastal Fishes: From Maine to Texas (2011), by Val Kells and Kent Carpenter - avail in REEF Store
ID Guides - Fishinars, Apps, Websites
REEF NE Fishinars - avail online
Marine Life of the North Atlantic: Canada to Cape May, by Andrew Martinez - avail on Apple, avail on GooglePlay
REEF UW Survey Paper
Regular NE Paper - includes the most common fish in the region, and the invertebrates & algae monitored in NE
Paper is available in the REEF Store
What Survey Slate is Used - Regular Yellow Slate
Species Reference List - Common names used in REEF database, cross-referenced by scientific name, NE Names Report
Invertebrate and Algae Monitoring List - List of species monitored in NE

Cunner - most frequently sighted fish in the NE (photo by Alison Johnson)
Eastern Atlantic & Mediterranean
(EAM; Azores, Madeira, Canary Islands, Cape Verde Islands, Mediterranean, Irish, North and Baltic Seas)
Click here for a map of the EAM region and areas within it

ID Guides - Books
Europe and Mediterranean Marine Fish Identification Guide, by Patrick Louisy (2015) - available in the REEF Store
Great British Marine Animals, 4th Edition, by Paul Naylor (2021) - available in the REEF Store (includes many Eastern Atlantic fish and invertebrates)
Mediterranean and Atlantic Fish Guide: From Spain to Turkey - From Norway to South Africa, by Helmut Debelius (1997) - out of print but a good if you can get a copy
ID Guides - Fishinars, Apps, Websites
REEF EAM Fishinars - avail online
iNaturalist sightings - view here
REEF UW Survey Paper
Mediterranean and Eastern Atlantic - suitable for the Mediterranean and Atlantic coasts and offshore islands (Canary, Maderia, Cape Verde)
Azores English - includes the most common fish in the region, and the invertebrates & algae monitored in the EAM
Azores Portuguese - includes the most common fish in the region, and the invertebrates & algae monitored in the EAM, with common names listed in Portuguese
Paper is available in the REEF Store
What Survey Slate is Used - Regular Yellow Slate
Species Reference List - Common names used in REEF database, cross-referenced by scientific name, EAM Names Report
Invertebrate and Algae Monitoring List - List of species monitored in EAM

White Seabream - one of the most frequently sighted fish in the EAM (photo by Carol Cox)
West Coast of the United States and Canada
(PAC; California-CAL, Oregon, Washington, British Columbia and Alaska-PNW)
Click here for a map of the PAC region and areas within it

ID Guides - Books
Coastal Fish Identification: California to Alaska, 2nd Edition (2008), by Paul Humann and Ned DeLoach - avail in REEF Store
A Field Guide to Coastal Fishes: from Alaska to California (2016), by Val Kells, Luiz A. Rocha, and Larry G. Allen - avail in REEF Store
Beneath Pacific Tides: Subtidal Invertebrates of the West Coast (2018), by Gregory C. Jensen, Daniel W. Gotshall, and Rebecca E. Flores Miller - avail in REEF Store
The Rockfishes of the Northeast Pacific (2002), by Milton Love, Mary Yoklavich, and Lyman Thorsteinson - avail in REEF Store
ID Guides - Fishinars, Apps, Websites
REEF CAL Fishinars - avail online
REEF PNW Fishinars - avail online
Reef Check of California Species ID Training - on YouTube
REEF UW Survey Paper
Regular CAL Paper - includes the most common fish in the region, and the invertebrates & algae monitored in California
Regular PNW Paper - includes the most common fish in the region, and the invertebrates & algae monitored in PacNW
Paper is available in the REEF Store
What Survey Slate is Used - Regular Yellow Slate
Species Reference List - Common names used in REEF database, cross-referenced by scientific name, PAC Names Report
Invertebrate and Algae Monitoring List -
List of invertebrate and algae species monitored in CAL (California)
List of invertebrate and algae species monitored in PNW (Pacific Northwest)

Copper Rockfish - most frequently sighted fish in the PAC (photo by Janna Nichols)
Tropical Eastern Pacific
(TEP; Gulf of California to the Galapagos Islands, West coast of Central America, Colombia and Ecuador)
Click here for a map of the TEP region and areas within it

ID Guides - Books
Reef Fish Identification: Baja to Panama (2004), by Paul Humann and Ned DeLoach- in the REEF Store
Galapagos Fish Identification (2003), by Paul Humann and Ned DeLoach- in the REEF Store
ID Guides - Fishinars, Apps, Websites
REEF TEP Fishinars - avail online
Shorefishes of the Tropical Eastern Pacific: online information system, from Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute - avail online, avail on Apple Store, avail on Android
REEF UW Survey Paper
Gulf of California/Baja Mexico/Sea of Cortez
Central America (incl southern mainland Mexico)
Revillagigedo and Cocos Islands
Paper is available in the REEF Store
What Survey Slate is Used - Regular Yellow Slate
Species Reference List - Common names used in REEF database, cross-referenced by scientific name, TEP Names Report
Invertebrate and Algae Monitoring List - N/A Fish Only
Upcoming TEP REEF Field Survey Trips - Schedule Here

Mexican Hogfish - most frequently sighted fish in the TEP (photo by Carol Cox)
Hawaiian Islands
(HAW; main archipelago, northwest islands, Johnston Atoll)
Click here for a map of the HAW region and areas within it

ID Guides - Books
Ultimate Guide to Hawaiian Reef Fishes (2013), by John Hoover - in the REEF Store
ID Guides - Fishinars, Apps, Websites
REEF HAW Fishinars - avail online
Scuba Fish Hawaii, by John Hoover - avail on Apple
Snorkel Fish Hawaii, by John Hoover - avail on Apple
REEF UW Survey Paper
Hawaiian Islands
Paper is available in the REEF Store
What Survey Slate is Used - Regular Yellow Slate
Species Reference List - Common names used in REEF database, cross-referenced by scientific name, HAW Names Report
Invertebrate and Algae Monitoring List - N/A Fish Only
Fibropapillomatosis (FP) Tumors on Green Sea Turtles - Learn More Here
Upcoming HAW REEF Field Survey Trips - Schedule Here

Saddle Wrasse - most frequently sighted fish in the HAW (photo by Bill Stohler)
South Pacific
(SOP; Fiji, Samoan Archipelago, Line Islands, Cook Islands)
Click here for a map of the SOP region and areas within it

ID Guides - Books
Tropical Pacific Fish Identification, 2nd edition (2015), by Gerald Allen, Roger Steen, Paul Humann and Ned DeLoach - in the online store
ID Guides - Fishinars, Apps, Websites
REEF SOP Fishinars - avail online
Reef Fishes of the East Indies, Volumes 1, 2, & 3, by Gerald Allen and Mark Erdmann - avail on Apple
Key Taxonomic Publications and Online Galleries for SOP, CIP, IORS, page compiled by REEF staff - avail online
REEF UW Survey Paper
Fiji - Large Format - This is recommended for most REEF surveyors.
Samoan Archipelago - short list (yellow slate)
Paper is available in the REEF Store
What Survey Slate is Used - Large-format White Slate (Regular Yellow Slate with Short Fiji and Samoa paper)
Species Reference List - Common names used in REEF database, cross-referenced by scientific name, SOP Names Report
Invertebrate and Algae Monitoring List - N/A Fish Only
Upcoming Tropical Pacific and Indian Ocean REEF Field Survey Trips - Schedule Here

Blulestreak Cleaner Wrasse - most frequently sighted fish in the SOP (photo by Paul Humann)
Central Indo-Pacific
(CIP; Indonesia, Solomon Islands, Australia, Philippines, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Southern Japan)
Click here for a map of the CIP region and areas within it

ID Guides - Books
Tropical Pacific Fish Identification, 2nd edition (2015), by Gerald Allen, Roger Steen, Paul Humann and Ned DeLoach - in the online store
ID Guides - Fishinars, Apps, Websites
REEF CIP Fishinars - avail online
Reef Fishes of the East Indies, Volumes 1, 2, & 3, by Gerald Allen and Mark Erdmann - avail on Apple
Solomon Islands Sea Fish ID, by John Hoover - avail on Apple
Philippines Fish ID, by John Hoover - avail on Apple
Key Taxonomic Publications and Online Galleries for SOP, CIP, IORS, page compiled by REEF staff - avail online
REEF UW Survey Paper
Alternative Habitats (Muck and Bays)
Ambon Bay
Banda Sea
Lembeh Strait
Micronesia (Palau and Yap)
Papua New Guinea
Raja Ampat / Indonesia
Solomon Islands
Thailand/Andaman Sea
Triton Bay
Paper is available in the REEF Store
What Survey Slate is Used - Large-format White Slate
Species Reference List - Common names used in REEF database, cross-referenced by scientific name, CIP Names Report
Invertebrate and Algae Monitoring List - N/A Fish Only
Upcoming Tropical Pacific and Indian Ocean REEF Field Survey Trips - Schedule Here

Moorish Idol - most frequently sighted fish in the CIP (photo by Paul Humann)
Indian Ocean-Red Sea
(IORS; Bay of Bengal, Maldives, Red Sea, East Coast of Africa, Madagascar and Indian Ocean Islands)
Click here for a map of the IORS region and areas within it

ID Guides - Books
Coral Reef Guide Red Sea (2004), by Ewald Lieske and Robert Myers - avail online
Fishes of the Maldives: Indian Ocean (2014), by Rudie Kuiter and Tim Godfrey - avail online
The Reef Guide: Fishes, corals, nudibranchs & other invertebrates: East & South Coasts of Southern Africa (2014), by Dennis King - avail online
Coastal Fishes of Southern Africa (2004), by Phil & Elaine Heemstra - avail online
Coastal Fishes of the Western Indian Ocean (2024), produced by South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity, extensive 5 volume reeference - avail online through SAIAB (free)
Tropical Pacific Fish Identification, 2nd edition (2015), by Gerald Allen, Roger Steen, Paul Humann and Ned DeLoach - in the REEF store
Coastal Fishes of Oman (1995), by John Randall - out of print, mostly replaced by app by John Hoover (see below), but nice reference guide if you can get it
ID Guides - Fishinars, Apps, Websites
REEF IORS Fishinars - avail online
Oman Fish ID, by John Hoover - avail on Apple
Red Sea Fish ID, by John Hoover - avail on Apple
Maldives (Deep Blue Divers/Six Senses Resort) Fish ID, by John Hoover - avail on Apple
Reef Fishes of the East Indies, Volumes 1, 2, & 3, by Gerald Allen and Roger Steen - avail on Apple
Key Taxonomic Publications and Online Galleries for SOP, CIP, IORS, page compiled by REEF staff - avail online
REEF UW Survey Paper
Red Sea
Paper is available in the REEF Store
What Survey Slate is Used - Large-format White Slate
Species Reference List - Common names used in REEF database, cross-referenced by scientific name, IORS Names Report
Invertebrate and Algae Monitoring List - N/A Fish Only
Upcoming Tropical Pacific and Indian Ocean REEF Field Survey Trips - Schedule Here

Bluestreak Cleaner Wrasse - most frequently sighted fish in the IORS (photo by Paul Humann)