REEF uses a hierarchical 8-digit code system for survey site locations. Each geographic area has its own set of codes. When completing a survey, you need to know the complete 8-digit code for the site you surveyed.

If the site that you surveyed is not currently on our list, then please email to request a new code to be assigned. Please provide the site name, general location, and ideally the latitude and longitude.

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Region: SAS
Zone: South Carolina

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ZoneZone Code listGeographic ReportNameHave Coordinates?
93010001Geographic ReportBill Perry, SCNo
93010002Geographic ReportHebe, SCNo
93010003Geographic ReportCity of Richmond, SCNo
93010004Geographic ReportY/73 WreckYes
93010005Geographic ReportT&A#9 WreckYes
93010006Geographic ReportIndigo LedgesNo
93010007Geographic ReportAnchor LedgesNo
93010008Geographic ReportResearcher WreckYes
93010009Geographic ReportSteelhouse DeckYes
93010010Geographic ReportLead Weight LedgesYes
93010011Geographic ReportGardens ReefYes
93010012Geographic ReportEric's Double LedgesNo
93010013Geographic ReportLil GardensNo
93010014Geographic ReportAnchor WreckNo
93010015Geographic ReportComanche WreckYes
93010016Geographic ReportChamberlain's GulchNo
93010017Geographic Report105 ft LedgesNo
93010018Geographic ReportHole in WallNo
93010019Geographic ReportSugarbowl ReefNo
93010020Geographic ReportHelen WreckNo
93010021Geographic ReportFred Day WreckYes
93010022Geographic ReportEagle's NestYes
93010023Geographic ReportCharleston 60 ReefYes
93010024Geographic ReportTrain Wreck (subway cars)Yes
93010025Geographic Report105 BargeYes
93010026Geographic ReportBarracuda AlleyYes
93010027Geographic ReportThe ShermanYes
93010028Geographic ReportEleven Mile Reef, Tugboat & Barge (Murrells Inlet)Yes
93010029Geographic ReportThe Governor (maybe Suwanne, Paddle Wheeler Wreck)Yes
93010030Geographic ReportBP-25 Tanker Artificial ReefYes
93010031Geographic ReportArea 51 DNR Artificial ReefNo
93010032Geographic ReportEdisto 60 Reef - Army APCsYes
93010033Geographic ReportBrown Reef (East of St. Helena Sound)Yes
93010034Geographic ReportArea 51-A DNR Artificial Reef/ Marine Protected AreaNo
93010035Geographic ReportArea 51-B DNR Artificial Reef/ Marine Protected AreaNo
93010036Geographic ReportArea 51-C DNR Artificial Reef/ Marine Protected AreaNo
93010037Geographic ReportArea 51-D DNR Artificial Reef/ Marine Protected AreaNo
93010038Geographic ReportArea 53-A DNR Artificial Reef/ Marine Protected AreaNo
93010039Geographic ReportArea 53-B DNR Artificial Reef/ Marine Protected AreaNo
93010040Geographic ReportArea 53-C DNR Artificial Reef/ Marine Protected AreaNo
93010041Geographic ReportArea 53-D DNR Artificial Reef/ Marine Protected AreaNo
93010042Geographic ReportUSS VermilionYes