A fish as beautiful as it is destructive, invasive lionfish have dramatically impacted marine ecosystems due to their high reproductive rate and voracious appetites. These visually stunning fish have characteristic red and white stripes and long, fanlike spines and fins.

REEF Lionfish Jewelry Workshops encourage a consumer market that promotes lionfish removal. Now for the first time you have a chance to create a 1 of a kind lionfish ornament for your tree as well as lionfish jewelry. During the workshop, REEF will present on the background of the invasion, biology/ecology of lionfish, impacts, current research findings, collecting tools and techniques, market development, and ways to get involved. Workshop instructors will also provide a step-by-step tutorial on how to make lionfish jewelry, and you can begin crafting your own customized jewelry from a selection of pre-treated lionfish fins. The ornaments and jewelry created at the workshop will be ready to take home that evening!

All lionfish used in our workshops are locally speared or netted by volunteer divers. Following capture, the lionfish fins and spines are carefully removed and treated to ensure safe handling.


The $35 workshop fee includes:

  • Materials for creating 2 of your own ornament, jewelry, or key chain pieces to take home
  • REEF wine or pint glass to take home
  • Presentation and tutorial
  • Wine, beer, non-alcoholic beverages & light snacks

Each additional piece is $15. 


Registration: To register for the November 12 Lionfish Jewelry Workshop, please pay the registration fee at this page

Click here for more information about Lionfish Jewelry Workshops and REEF's Invasive Species Program.