7/7/2013 12:00pm EDT


July 7th 9am

Jupiter Dive Center

Call the shop to reserve spot(s) 561-745-7807

Free Fish ID class/REEF presentation in the morning

Florida / Gulf of Mexico
Bubbles Below 17315 140th Ave NE Woodinville WA
7/2/2013 9:30pm EDT

The "Great Annual Fish Count" occurs each year in July.

Please join us in this "FREE" introduction to the fishes of our beautiful diving region and then conduct and submit your survey's to REEF.

Join us and become a "Diver that Counts!"

Laurel LaFever

Call Bubbles Below at 425 487-2822 to sign up.
Dania Beach Pier, Florida
6/30/2013 12:00pm to 3:00pm EDT

Call Divers Cove at 954-473-1220 or email Katy at katy@diverscovefl.com for more details and if you would like to sign up.
West Palm Beach, Florida
6/24/2013 11:00am EDT to 7/1/2013 12:00am EDT

An introductory course for teachers and pre-service teachers that will incorporate an open water scuba certification course within the program. Teachers will use REEF products to learn identification techniques for fish, sharks, and sea turtles.

Contact Roger Skillman SSI OWSI instructor and certified SC science teacher at 864-710-1567. All participants must complete an application Deposits are due May 31st for session I and June 30th for session II.
