Join Friends of Saltwater State Park Saturday, July 29, for a REEF survey dive and fish ID class in Des Moines, Washington!
REEF Survey Dive: Meet near the Snack Shack
The Fish ID Class will be held in the Classroom
Join Friends of Saltwater State Park Saturday, July 29, for a REEF survey dive and fish ID class in Des Moines, Washington!
REEF Survey Dive: Meet near the Snack Shack
The Fish ID Class will be held in the Classroom
This Great Annual Fish Count, join REEF and Key Dives for a free fish ID class, followed by two REEF survey dives.
Morning check-in for class at REEF Interpretive Center at 9:15am, break for lunch (on your own) at 11am, and check-in for the survey dives at Key Dives at 12:30pm.
This Great Annual Fish Count, join REEF and Silent World for a free fish ID class, followed by a REEF survey snorkel.
Join the New England Aquarium Dive Club for the 20th Northeast Great Annual Fish Count. Help count fish and win prizes!
This Great Annual Fish Count, join REEF and Florida Keys Dive Center for a free fish ID class, followed by a REEF survey dive.
Eco Expedition date: July 20-27, 2023, to Rocky Island, Zabargad Island and St. Johns
Trip Price: €1295 per person shared cabin on the lower deck (main and upper deck will charge €100 extra)
Join COJO Diving Saturday, July 15, for REEF survey dives, fish ID classes, and social events in Greens Point, NB, Canada!
To sign up and learn more, contact
Located on a secluded key in Roatan, Honduras, CoCo View Resort is well known among divers for its excellent house reef. Guests will enjoy two daily boat trips and unlimited shore diving at CoCo View’s front yard reef, where more than 300 fish species have been recorded.
REEF Into the Blue Book Club will discuss our latest book selection, Monarchs of the Sea, The Extraordinary 500-Million-Year History of Cephalopods by Danna Staaf.
Thanks for your interest in REEF Fish & Friends! We are pleased to welcome our July 2023 speaker, Tom Matthews, Lobster Research Scientist at Florida Wildlife Conservation Commission.
It's almost lobster season in the Florida Keys, and there's no better time to learn more about one of South Florida's most popular crustaceans! Tom will discuss the complex life history of the Caribbean Spiny Lobster, their communication style, and their importance to local ecosystems.