8/21/2018 8:00pm EDT
Alli Candelmo

Join REEF staff Dr. Alli Candelmo for an update on current research findings of the invasive lionfish in the Tropical Western Atlantic.

Tropical Western Atlantic
Gardens of the Queen Cuba
8/18/2018 to 8/25/2018
Christy Pattengill-Semmens, Ph.D, REEF Director of Science, and Brice Semmens, Ph.D., REEF Science Advisor

Jardines de la Reina (Gardens of the Queen), a marine park located on the southeastern portion of Cuba, is known as one of the best-preserved marine areas in the Caribbean, offering a high amount of diversity and fish biomass.

Sold out. Contact trips@REEF.org for waitlist.
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8/18/2018 to 8/25/2018
Lad Akins, REEF Director of Special Projects and Peter Hughes, REEF Board of Trustees

South Water Caye Marine Reserve, in southern Belize, is a unique mangrove/coral reef habitat and home to several endemic species including the Social Wrasse and the Maya Hamlet.

3 spaces available, including a male shared space.
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8/15/2018 8:00pm EDT
Ellie Splain and Ellie Place

Join REEF's Conservation Coordinator Ellie Place and REEF's Education Program Manager, Ellie Splain, as they let you know about some uncommon, elusive fish in the Tropical Western Atlantic that you can find combing the shore line in different locations - in ten feet of water or less!

Tropical Western Atlantic
Fernando de Noronha, Brazil
8/4/2018 to 8/13/2018
Ned and Anna DeLoach, REEF Board of Trustees

Discovered in 1503, Brazil's Fernando de Noronha archipelago is known as a great destination for ecotourism and diving. The islands are located about 200 miles from the mainland and the entire area makes up a protected marine park.

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7/26/2018 7:00pm EDT
REEF Headquarters, 98300 Overseas Highway, Key Largo, FL

Want to improve your fish knowledge? Join us each month for a free fish Fish Identification Class in REEF's Interpretive Center, led by REEF Volunteers Carlos and Allison Estape.

This month - Gobies

Hosted at REEF Headquarters, 98300 Overseas Hwy, Key Largo, FL 33037

Anemone Sea Spider
7/24/2018 12:00am PDT
Andrew J. Martinez

This Fishinar session covers the following invertebrates, as well as an introduction to the new Marine Life of the North Atlantic app.

Northeast US & Canada
Great Annual Fish Count logo
7/21/2018 12:00am PDT

Join REEF and the New England Aquarium Dive Club for the 17th Great Annual Fish Count.

Help count fish and win prizes!

Each year divers help researchers by surveying fish populations. Join the largest survey in North America! Multiple dive locations and fabulous raffle prizes!

For more information or to register visit www.neadc.org/gafc
Costa Rica
7/14/2018 3:00am EDT to 7/21/2018 3:00am EDT
Christy Pattengill-Semmens, Ph.D., REEF Director of Science and Brice Semmens, Ph.D, REEF Science Advisor

This eco-adventure will give REEF members a chance to experience many alluring facets of Costa Rica, including abundant marine life, vibrant tropical rainforests and active volancoes.

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