BLUE HERON BRIDGE, PHIL FOSTER STATE PARK, RIVIERA BEACH, FLAddress: 900 East Blue Heron Blvd, Riviera Beach FL 33404.
Join us to learn about Filefish, Boxfish & Triggerfish. Classes start at 7 pm at REEF HQ (Mile Marker 98.3) Key Largo
REEF is partnering with Sharkey’s to host the “Funky Fish Party” fundraising event on Saturday, April 18 at 6:30pm. Everyone is welcome to attend this free event, and wearing marine life/ocean-themed attire is highly encouraged.
Join us to dive or snorkel Alligator Ledge where over 100 fish species are sighted regularly! Choose to do a 1 tank +/-2 hr dive & attempt to join the Century Club by IDing 100 fish species, or do 2 tanks at +/- 1 hr each.
Fish classes (Jan, March, May, July, Sept, Nov)
Inverts & Algae (Feb, April, June, Aug, Oct, Dec)
Attention all snorkelers and SCUBA divers...
Want to know more about the Reef Monitoring Project and local marine life?
Jack Attack!
Fish taught in this session:
Fishes of Fiji, Part 2
Fish covered in this session are: