Seeing Red! Count On It! Squirrelfish, Soldierfish and Cardinalfish
Fish covered in this session are:
Join Smoky Mountain Divers-Carolinas for our annual trip to Florida to dive offshore Jupiter Florida and Blue Heron Bridge. Scuba certification and/or scuba skills update available. Contact Roger Skillman for details.
2 options exist:
Become and citizen scientist and perform a REEF survey while you are having fun underwater. Make this a part of your dive log activities.
Join the REEF's FREE local fish or Inverts/Algae identification training program and better understand what goes on just beyond the surf zone!
**Two Lodging Options Available
Aqua Safari - $653 for Double Occupancy per person, $800 for Single Occupancy per person. Casa Mexicana - $780 for Double Occupancy per person, $1,154 for Single Occupancy per person
$3,195 pp - includes: double occupancy aboard the Rocio del Mar liveaboard, 6 days of diving (up to 22 dives), and all meals aboard the ship.
Become and citizen scientist and perform a REEF survey while you are having fun underwater. Make this a part of your dive log activities.
Join the REEF's FREE local fish or Inverts/Algae identification training program and better understand what goes on just beyond the surf zone!
You do WHAT For a Living?