Join us for our summer REEF Intern Alumni Social! Colin Howe will be our host, and lead us in a discussion about his career in marine biology. Colin's bio is below:

My name is Colin Howe and I am a tropical marine ecologist, primarily focused on studying Caribbean coral species. I have studied, lived, and worked throughout the Caribbean and the Florida Keys since 2012. I was a REEF Marine Conservation Intern in the fall of 2013, and during that time I developed skills in field research, public speaking and science communication. I have co-authored two publications on marine ecology and I also earned my masters degree in Marine and Environmental Sciences from the University of the Virgin Islands in St. Thomas in 2018. I spent two years working at the Florida Fish and Wildlife Research Institute in Marathon, where I assisted with projects ranging from fish census surveys to coral rescue efforts throughout the Florida Keys, including the Dry Tortugas. Currently, I am working towards a Ph.D. in Biology at the Eberly School of Science at Penn State University. My Ph.D. will mainly focus on coral microbiology, specifically, studying how the coral microbiome and other endosymbionts influence coral physiology or responses to anthropogenic impacts.