Join REEF's Director of Science Christy Semmens as she teaches some tips and tricks to find and ID some unique fishes in Brazil.
Your time zone may vary - this is a live, online session that starts at 8pm Eastern time.
Here's the list of fish that's covered in this session:
- Rocas Gregory, Stegastes rocasensis
- Yellowtip Damselfish (aka Black and Yellow Damselfish), Stegastes pictus
- Bluespotted Damselfish, Stegastes fuscus
- Brazilian Chromis (aka Jubauna Reeffish), Chromis jubauna
- Noronha Cleaner Goby, Elacatinus phthirophagus
- Barber Goby (aka Widestripe Goby), Elacatinus figaro
- Coney x Creolefish Hybrid, Menephorus sp.
- Yellowstriped Grunt, Haemulon squamipinna (with comparison to Smallmouth Grunt, Haemulon chrysargyreum)
- Tuiupiranga Parrotfish, Sparisoma tuiupiranga
- Redeye (aka Gray) Parrotfish, Sparisoma axillare
- Reef Parrotfish, Sparisoma amplum
- Saddled Parrotfish, Sparisoma frondosum
- Fourspot Parrotfish, Scarus zelindae
- Greenback (aka Greenlip) Parrotfish, Scarus trispinosus
- Noronha Wrasse, Thalassoma noronhanum
- Brazilian Wrasse, Halichoeres brasiliensis (with comparison to Puddingwife, Halichoeres radiatus)
- Streamer Wrasse, Clepticus brasiliensis