Dive into reading and explore the marine world while staying dry on land

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Welcome to REEF Into the Blue Book Club!

Whether you're a devoted bookworm or have a stack of books collecting dust that you hope to make time to read one day, the Into the Blue Book Club brings together all types of readers who are passionate about the ocean and conservation. The best part? It's virtual! You can connect with like-minded individuals from anywhere in the world from the comfort of home. Here's how it works:

  • Book Club members will have the option to suggest ocean-themed books to read. Then, at the beginning of each quarter, one book will be selected by REEF staff. 
  • We'll read along together over the next two months with discussion questions and food for thought shared along the way, via email or on the Into the Blue Book Club Facebook group
  • Then at the end of the quarter, we'll have a video-chat meeting to share our thoughts on the book. 

Visit our FAQ page to learn more about how a virtual book club works. You can stay up to date on books, upcoming meetings, and discussion topics by joining our Into the Blue Book Club Facebook group. We'll also send out occasional info via email, but the most interactive option between meetings is in the Facebook group. Visit our What We've Read page to see what books the club has read recently and the What We're Reading page what book we'll be diving into next. 

Dive into reading - join REEF members exploring the marine world while staying dry on land! 

2025 Into the Blue Book Club Schedule

January 30- Grouper Moon, by Cynthia Shaw, author confirmed to speak

April 10- Underjungle, by James Sturz, author confirmed to speak

July 10- Megalodons, Mermaids, and Climate Change, by Dr. Ellen Prager and David Jones, authors confirmed to speak

November 13- Four Fish, by Paul Greenburg, author confirmed to speak

Mark your calendars!

Our next book club meeting will be held Thursday, April 10 at 8 pm ET.