Wow, what a year. Despite some challenges, it is wonderful to reflect on the successes that REEF achieved in 2009. I have served REEF as Director of Science for 10 years now, and before that was involved as a volunteer, and I am proud to be a part of such an amazing and active organization.

In this issue of REEF-in-Brief, we bring you highlights from a few of our most recent accomplishments. We also ask that you please keep REEF in mind as you consider your year-end giving to charitable organizations. Since its inception, REEF’s accomplishments have been powered by volunteers and donations from members like you. We attribute our longevity to service, ethics, innovation, and the wise use of your funding. For those members who have already contributed during our Fall Fundraising Campaign, a big thank you! If you haven't yet, donate today using our secure online form.

Happy holidays and a peaceful new year to you all.